Usera Madrid Spain Public Library 2

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Usera Madrid Spain Public Library 1

Usera Madrid Spain Public Library 2

The library, located in a humble district, pro­vides a needed civic symbol and focus for public life. The tower form is a lyrical typology for libraries that in reality does not exist, owing to the difficulty of plac­ing people and books in stacks efficiently. Nevertheless, the archi­tects - interested more in character than figure -choose a tower form that endows the library with character as well as fulfils an important urban role as civic land­mark.

The deliberately slow lift allows panning glimpses of each floor, enhancing under-stand­ing of the building. The architects, eschew­ing the modernist inheri­tance of banishing orna­ment, decorate the building's interior and exterior surfaces. The western facade is painted gold. This (Arabic) allusion to a rich and precious substance is especially poignant in the poor locality; the gold spectacularly catches the afternoon sun and burnishes the freestanding landmark.

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